Corri & Allan Hunsperger

 Welcome to a special episode of Talk Truth! In this episode, Allan and Corri Hunsperger unveil their latest resource: a compelling new booklet titled "A Meet Jesus Moment." Designed to guide newcomers on their spiritual journey, they discuss their motivation behind this creation and emphasize the significance of truly understanding what it means to follow Jesus. They explore the profound changes such a relationship can bring to one’s life and the pitfalls of lacking a deep, personal connection with Christ. This booklet offers vital scripture and clear explanations of what it means to commit to a life with Jesus. Whether you're new to Christianity or seeking a renewed understanding, we believe this resource will be invaluable.

Mikki Willis

 In this episode of Talk Truth, we are thrilled to welcome back one of the most influential filmmakers of our time, Mikki Willis. Known for challenging mainstream narratives with powerful documentaries like "Plandemic 1," "Plandemic 2," and "The Great Awakening," Mikki shares updates on his current projects and discusses the hurdles of fighting misinformation in today’s media landscape. He also opens up about his personal spiritual journey, providing insights into the rising "God awareness" he has observed, even among those who may not traditionally be religious.

Dr. Meryl Nass

In this episode of Talk Truth, we welcome back Dr. Meryl Nass, a renowned expert on global health issues. Dr. Nass provides critical updates on recent World Health Organization (WHO) meetings, discussing outcomes, including failed consensus on health regulation amendments and a new pandemic treaty. She addresses the WHO's authority in declaring pandemics and highlights concerning trends in misinformation and government censorship in health narratives. Dr. Nass also reveals insights into ongoing vaccination programs, concerns over COVID-19 vaccine efficacy, and the potential risks of bird flu vaccine rollout, offering historical context and dispelling associated fears.

Leighton Grey

In this episode of Talk Truth, we welcome back Leighton Grey, a constitutional lawyer renowned for his fearless commitment to truth. The conversation spans a variety of pressing topics, from the reintroduction of the Ten Commandments in classrooms to the contentious debates surrounding COVID-19 vaccines. Leighton shares his insights on the challenges facing societal morals and the surprising developments in public spaces. He also provides updates on groundbreaking legal battles, including a significant case in British Columbia questioning the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

Paul Jordan & Lynn Ross

In this episode of Talk Truth, we sit down with Paul Jordan and Lynn Ross, the driving force behind the 'BC Town Hall 2024 Initiative'. Paul and Lynn share their journey from feeling marginalized and alienated during the COVID outbreak, to organizing live town hall discussions that encourage respectful, informed dialogue on critical issues. Discover how these town halls aim to shed light on complex legislations like Bill 36, and how they empower communities through open discussion and engagement.

Dr. Lynn Lafferty

 In this episode of Talk Truth, we explore integrative and naturopathic medicine with Dr. Lynn Lafferty, an endowed professor at Nova Southeastern University, pharmacist, naturopathic doctor, and clinical nutritionist. Dr. Lafferty shares her vast knowledge and unique perspective on blending conventional and natural healing methods. We discuss her background, philosophy of using God’s natural creations for health, and the pharmaceutical focus of modern medicine. She also highlights the powerful healing properties of ginger, turmeric, and beef liver.

Francine Champagne

In this episode of Talk Truth, we sit down with Francine Champagne, a former Manitoba school trustee whose steadfast principles led her through intense political and social adversity. Francine discusses her motivations for running for school trustee, her opposition to COVID-19 mandates, and her views on LGBTQ educational resources. She recounts the escalating tensions with her board members, which resulted in multiple suspensions and, ultimately, her forced resignation.

Stephanie Bakker & Ard Doornbos

 In this episode of Talk Truth, we welcome back Stephanie Bakker and introduce Ard Doornbos. Stephanie, a notable figure from Westlock, shares her experience leading a successful petition to repaint a rainbow crosswalk in her town, an initiative to promote neutrality in public spaces. Inspired by Stephanie’s efforts, Ard Doornbos discusses how he is spearheading a similar movement in Barrhead. Together, they highlight the challenges and triumphs of mobilizing community support for maintaining neutrality in civic matters.

Margaret Granny MacKay

In this episode of Talk Truth, we welcome back Margaret "Granny" Mackay, a relentless advocate for justice. Margaret delves into the ongoing four-year battle to exonerate four men detained in Lethbridge under controversial and seemingly unjust circumstances. She sheds light on the alleged misconduct during the trial, the resilience of the accused men, and the crucial importance of uncovering the truth.

Charlie Kirk

In this episode of Talk Truth, we welcome special guest Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, following the recent presidential debate. Kirk emphasizes that the election isn't won yet and calls for continued effort and hard work. The conversation dives into the influence of woke culture and the passivity of Canadian Christians. He describes wokeism as a demonic force, urging Christians and conservatives to actively oppose it. He highlights the crucial role of the church and families in fighting cultural decay and discusses Canada's legal restrictions on free speech and the challenges posed by progressive dogmas. You can find the link to Charlie's latest book, "Right Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West," here:

Dr. Jessica Rose - Part 3

In this episode of Talk Truth, we dive into part three of Dr. Jessica Rose's powerful testimony with guest Shawn Buckley. Dr. Rose unveils the controversy over the forced withdrawal of a groundbreaking paper on myocarditis co-authored with Dr. Peter McCullough. She shares insights from her deep dive into VAERS data, raising critical questions about vaccine safety and transparency in adverse event reporting. Additionally, she discusses alarming rates of myocarditis, systemic issues with vaccine data handling, and broader public health implications.

Dr. Jessica Rose - Part 2

In this episode of Talk Truth, we continue part two of Dr. Jessica Rose's NCI testimony with guest Shawn Buckley. Dr. Rose delves into the troubling data around the vaccine's effects, specifically focusing on how lipid nanoparticles accumulate in the liver and other organs, potentially disrupting blood clotting and wound healing mechanisms. She also addresses the alarming number of adverse events reported, emphasizing the underreporting factor that might mean the real numbers are even higher.

 Dr. Jessica Rose - Part 1

In this episode of Talk Truth, we are joined by guest Shawn Buckley as we delve into part one of the eye-opening NCI testimony from Canadian researcher Dr. Jessica Rose. With expertise in applied mathematics, immunology, and molecular biology, Dr. Rose critiques the rushed COVID-19 mRNA vaccine trials, questioning their safety and efficacy. She highlights concerns about exclusion criteria, the disappearance of the placebo group, rising adverse events, and toxic components in the vaccines.

Gregory Tomchyshyn

In this episode of Talk Truth, we are joined by Gregory Tomchyshyn, a dedicated campaigner for CitizenGo, an international organization empowering citizens to tackle pressing social issues. Gregory highlights CitizenGo's significant global impact over the past decade, sharing success stories from rallying signatures against the pride flag in schools and the abortion pill in Canada to delaying the WHO's pandemic treaty. With 17 million members and growing, CitizenGo remains steadfast in advocating for life, family, and freedom.

Will Witt

 In this episode of Talk Truth, we have a special guest, Will Witt, author of Do Not Comply: Taking Power Back from America’s Corrupt Elite . Get ready for a deep dive into some compelling topics as we explore the importance of engaging in meaningful conversations to challenge and open up different perspectives. Will shares his personal journey of transitioning from atheism to Christianity and how his faith has become the driving force in his life. We'll also discuss the power of heroes, resisting compliance, and taking risks to make a positive impact in the world. Get the book on

Catherine Christensen

In this episode of Talk Truth, we welcome Catherine Christensen, the founder of Valour Law. Catherine is a tenacious lawyer dedicated to advocating for Canadian Armed Forces members who have faced injustices related to vaccine mandates and military policies. She delves into the alarming 800% increase in vaccine injury rates within the military and exposes the systemic obstacles preventing these injuries from being officially recognized. Catherine also explores the broader implications for military recruitment and readiness.

Ken Ham - Part 3

In this episode of Talk Truth, we continue part three of our insightful conversation with Ken Ham, founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the organization behind the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. Ken discusses the future of Answers in Genesis, their innovative use of AI, a new exhibit on identity, and addressing contemporary issues like gender and marriage from a biblical perspective.

Ken Ham - Part 2

In this episode of Talk Truth, we continue part two of our interview with Ken Ham, founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis. Ken addresses the challenges facing modern churches, especially the silence on creationism and the influence of evolutionary thought. He discusses the lack of biblical teaching on Genesis 1-11, the dangers of compromising with secular beliefs, and the importance of adhering to God's word despite potential division. Ken also explores hot-button issues like climate change, offering a biblical perspective on environmental stewardship versus the prevailing secular narrative.

Ken Ham - Part 1

In this episode of Talk Truth, we begin part one of a compelling discussion with Ken Ham, the founder and CEO of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the Ark Encounter. Ken explains the mission of Answers in Genesis, highlighting the importance of Genesis 1 to 11 as the foundation of Christian doctrine. He also shares insights into the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. From the advanced nature of ancient civilizations to the decline of biblical authority in today's society, Ken Ham offers profound perspectives on faith, history, and the relevance of Genesis.

Corri & Allan Hunsperger

In this episode of Talk Truth, Corri and Allan Hunsperger explore the remarkable transformation of El Salvador under President Nayib Bukele's leadership. In an in-depth interview with Tucker Carlson, President Bukele reveals how his nation, once plagued by extreme violence, has become one of the safest in the Western Hemisphere. He credits this turnaround to strategic law enforcement and spiritual guidance, emphasizing the role of prayer and faith in achieving peace. Corri and Allan reflect on the power of faith in leadership and its potential to bring profound changes, not only in El Salvador but also in countries like Canada.

Dr. Miriam Grossman

 In this episode of Talk Truth, we have a special guest joining us - Dr. Miriam Grossman, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist and author of her latest book 'Lost In Trans Nation'. With over 35 years of experience in child and adolescent psychiatry, Dr. Grossman shares her insights on the controversial topic of gender identity and its impact on children. She discusses the medicalization of emotional conditions, the dangers of gender affirming care, and the influence of activists in schools. Dr. Grossman also provides valuable advice for parents in navigating this challenging landscape.
Buy the book here:

Dr. Mark Trozzi

On this episode of Talk Truth, we dive into a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Mark Trozzi. As he shares his experiences and insights from his years of practicing emergency medicine, including his bold stance on the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Trozzi exposes the contradictions and challenges he faced within the medical community, shedding light on the alarming truths behind the vaccine rollout. His unwavering commitment to human rights and serving the truth is not only inspiring but also serves as a beacon of hope in these critical times.

Maxime Bernier

In this episode of Talk Truth, hosts Corri and Allan Hunsperger are joined by special guest Maxime Bernier, leader of the People's Party of Canada. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including the formation and platform of the People's Party, media control and freedom of speech, immigration policies, societal values, and more. Maxime shares about various issues facing Canada, providing thought-provoking insights and challenging perspectives.

James Roguski

In this episode of Talk Truth, we are joined by James Roguski, known for his critical insights on global health governance. James delves into the inner workings of the World Health Organization (WHO) and unpacks the organization's history, from its inception in 1948 to its evolving role in global health. He sheds light on the controversial negotiations and amendments to the International Health Regulations, the manipulative tactics employed, and the profound implications of these changes for national sovereignty and global health governance.

Shawn Newman

In this episode of Talk Truth, we are joined for the first time by Shaun Newman, a passionate podcaster known for his deep dives into contemporary societal issues. Shaun shares his transformative journey from being a skeptic to embracing faith, a transition catalyzed by his experiences during the Ottawa Freedom Convoy. He delves into the inspiration behind his podcast, how a supportive book club helped him navigate the societal pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic, and his newfound advocacy for spirituality and open discussions.

Dr. William Makis

In this episode of Talk Truth, we are joined by Dr. William Makis, a vocal researcher and medical professional, known for his courageous stance on COVID-19 vaccines and their impact on health. Dr. Makis shares the unexpected journey that led him to investigate sudden deaths among young doctors post-vaccination and the backlash he faced from the Canadian Medical Association. The discussion delves into the skepticism surrounding vaccine-related health issues, an assassination attempt on a European leader opposed to the WHO pandemic treaty, and an upcoming significant event addressing COVID vaccine harms in children.

Marianne Klowak - Part 4

In this episode of Talk Truth, we finish part four of Marianne Klowak’s NCI testimony with guest Shawn Buckley. Marianne reveals the challenges she faced in her final days at the CBC, particularly surrounding her attempts to report on vaccine injuries. She discusses the significant editorial changes that diluted her stories, the difficulty of getting adverse reactions reported, and the media’s overall unwillingness to cover critical health issues during the pandemic.

Marianne Klowak - Part 3

In this episode of Talk Truth, we dive into part three of Marianne Klowak’s powerful NCI testimony with guest Shawn Buckley. A seasoned journalist and former CBC reporter for 34 years, Marianne shares her unsettling experiences and the challenges she faced in an industry she feels became more about pushing propaganda than presenting unbiased news. She recounts the pivotal moments that led to her decision to leave, from having her critical stories about vaccine mandates and protests shut down to being forced to cover trivial topics like cricket and bed bug infestations.

Marianne Klowak - Part 2

In this episode of Talk Truth, we continue part two of Marianne Klowak's NCI testimony with guest Shawn Buckley. Marianne provides a startling inside look at how the CBC transitioned from news reporting to what she describes as propaganda during the COVID-19 pandemic. She details troubling censorship, the creation of harmful stereotypes, and ethical breaches that question the integrity of mainstream media. Marianne recounts her own experience of trying to report on vaccine safety concerns, only to be met with unprecedented levels of scrutiny and editorial pushback.

Marianne Klowak - Part 1

In this episode of Talk Truth, lawyer Shawn Buckley joins us for Part 1 of the NCI testimony from veteran journalist Marianne Klowak. With 34 years at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Klowak has been a leading investigative journalist. However, the onset of COVID-19 turned her newsroom into an echo chamber of endorsed propaganda, silencing dissent and eroding public trust. Marianne shares her unsettling experiences of having her stories on vaccine safety and mandate impacts blocked, offering firsthand insights into a once-principled newsroom's rapid descent into biased reporting and ridicule of dissenting voices.

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